C# Software Development for Absolute Beginners

324,97 kr 107,96 kr SEK

No previous programming experience necessary!

This C# course is designed for absolute beginners in mind! It assumes ZERO experience in any kind of programming. If you want to get started with programming in C#, then you've found the right place! Unlike most other course, this course uses the latest versions of C# (Version 11) and also Visual Studio 2022 (Latest version even in 2023). Whether you want to learn C# for: a job opportunity, a hobby, a supplement for university or college etc, then this course is perfect for that!

- Learn C#, equivalent to that of a university graduate (and more!)
- Learn the fundamentals of C# and the .NET Framework
- Learn all about Object Orientated Programming (O-O)
- Learn the difference between value types and reference types
- Control the flow of programs using conditional statements
- Work with files and directories
- Debug C# applications effectively
- Break up the course content with sample coding challenges
- Use collections, such as: arrays and lists
- Further your learning by improving the included C# project files
- Test your newly acquired skills with the final course project!
- Over 12 Hours of professional learning
- Excellent Support Service
- This is a Digital Download with all materials in Full HD

Course Contents Part 1

0-1. Is This The C# Course For You?
0-2. About The Instructor
0-3. What is C#? and Why Learn C#?
0-4. Downloading and Installing Visual Studio (C# IDE)

The Basics - Getting Started!
1-1. Hello World (Mr. Beast Logo)
1-2. Variables
1-3. Data Types
1-4. C# - A Strongly Statically Typed Language
1-5. Working with Strings and Substrings
1-6. Working with Numbers
1-7. Getting User Input
1-8. EXERCISE - The Number Multiplier

2-1. Methods
2-2. Method Parameters
2-3. Method Returns
2-4. Method Overloading

Comments and XML Summary Tags
3-1. Learn all about comments and XML summary tags in C#!

Conditions and Operators
4-1. If and Else Statements
4-2. Else If Statements
4-3. Equality and Inequality Operators
4-4. Comparison Operators
4-5. Boolean Operators
4-6. EXERCISE - Building a Calculator
4-7. Switch Statements
4-8. Conditional Operators

5-1. Arrays and Collections
Loops and Iteration
6-1. While Loops
6-2. Do While Loops
6-3. For Loops
6-4. For Loops vs While Loops
6-5. Foreach Loops
6-6. EXERCISE - Draw a Cube

Control Flow
7-1. The break Statement
7-2. The continue Statement

Course Contents Part 2

Misc Learning 1
8-1. Exception Handling (try, catch, finally)
8-2. 2D, 3D and Multidimensional Arrays
8-3. EXERCISE - Chess - Find the Queen
8-4. Lists

Object Orientated Programming (O-O)
9-1. O-O, Classes and Objects (Free to Watch)
9-2. Constructors
9-3. Object Methods
9-4. Access Modifiers (public, private, etc)
9-5. Properties
9-6. Inheritance
9-7. Method Overriding (Polymorphism)
9-8. Multilevel Inheritance
9-9. The sealed Keyword
9-10. Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods
9-11. The this Keyword
9-12. The base Keyword and base Class Constructors
9-13. Interfaces
9-14. O-O Summary

Misc Learning 2
10-1. EXERCISE - Drawing Pyramids
10-2. Solutions, Multiple Projects and Namespaces

11-1. Breakpoints and Code Stepping (Also: Run to Click and Run to Cursor)
11-2. Immediate Window
11-3. Locals and Autos Windows
11-4. Watch Windows and Quick Watch

and much more! It also includes a final project to test your skills by creating a video game!